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Showing posts from 2012

Rum Raisin Ice Cream Sauce

This is a recipe I discovered in Barbados while on vacation with the Grant Clan. Sadly, one of our favourite restaurants, The Ship Inn located in St Lawrence Gap, closed down last year, cutting off our supply of Rum Raisin Ice Cream. Faced with this calamity, I set forth to find a replacement. Barbados is home to Mount Gay Rum , the oldest distillery in the Caribbean and they make what is to my mind, the finest rum in the world.   James Bond ordered an Eclipse & soda in Casino Royale. Sadly he switched drinks shortly afterwards and got rather ill, proving that you shouldn't switch drinks. Ingredients 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup Mount Gay Eclipse or Extra Old rum (or Dark Rum) 1 cup Brown, Turbinado or similar sugar 1/2 cup whipping cream (Not that spray rubbish!) 1/2 tsp fresh ground nutmeg* 1/2 tsp fresh grated cinnamon* * only if you are not using spiced rum. Take a small bowl or mug, add rum, stir in spices until fully dissolved ...

First post!

Welcome to my cooking blog! Coming up with a name for any endeavour can be a difficult process. Brainstorming got as far as combining my name, geographical location, family history with various forms of cooking. Dana's Recipes, The Loyalist Cookbook, Kanata Kitchen and others were floated but nothing seemed to come back to port. Finally I posted on Facebook to get my friends input and Mark Schaefer from my old gaming clan came up with "The Angry Crumpet", and said, "Only you'll know Crumpet stands for Cats, RUm, Models, Paintball & Electric Trains" with the words in the acronym representing my various interests. So here we are. After several years of procrastinating  planning the blog is up the first recipe will be posted shortly. If you have any requests, fire away and I'll see what I can do. Cheers!