Seven Years since my last post. Let's take stock... First off, I've renamed the blog and given it a new address. I didn't think the old title was reflective of who I am now... (Shit, did I just go woke?) Anyhow, the new title and address are much more simplified. Plus I've changed the format. I'm going to repost some of the recipes and delete the old posts over time as the blogger components I used have bit the dust. Second... Life has changed. After my last post in 2013, I fell into the black hole of chronic migraine. I could not successfully work outside the home, and while I did endeavour to become self-employed, the pain I was in kept me down. In 2017 I found a new neurologist who started me on Botox treatments and after a year, the migraines all but stopped. Without much thought of what I now wanted to do with my life, I walked into my local hardware store and was offered a position in the Appliance Department. I've since developed some great frien...